Painting Mistakes to Avoid in Bellevue

Photo of a paint-covered man holding a used roller brush looking at a kitchen being painted white

As a homeowner, you want to be able to make improvements to your Bellevue home without requiring much help. This includes painting areas of your home. However, there are some common mistakes people make when painting. This can do more harm than good, requiring you to do more work than you initially anticipated. Here are some of the common painting mistakes you should avoid.

  • No preparation: One problem that people encounter is the lack of preparation. They believe they can just go and pick a color, then get to painting. Before you jump into a painting project, know where you’re painting, your color choices or designs, what needs to be covered, and what materials you need.
  • Using the wrong material: Some people grab the wrong type of paintbrushes and don’t use painter’s tape during the project. This can impact how the paint stays and the quality of the job. It also prevents window sills, door frames, and other areas from getting painted when they are not supposed to be.
  • Putting too much paint on the brush: Often times, people painting will put the brush all the way into the paint. However, they don’t paint the wall with the entire brush. This leads to dripping and wasted paint. Make sure you only dip the brush in between a third and half of the way in to get the most out of it.
  • Ignoring natural elements: Paints react certain ways to different types of weather. It is important to know which type of paint you’re using and how long it will take to dry completely before going to put on another coat.

Our Bellevue painters are here to help you avoid mistakes and get the job done right. We have been trusted by countless homeowners and businesses to provide the services they need. Five Star Painting of Bellevue has the skill and training you need to have the best paint job possible.

Call today to schedule your service with our team.

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