Top 4 "Realities" of Home Improvement That TV Doesn't Shows

What Home Improvement Shows Don't Show You.

It's true, you cannot believe everything you see on TV... including on home improvement shows. We won’t name names, but these shows typically feature "flip" people, with real estate licenses, who are very affable on TV. They are smart, good looking, and have a great sense for style. They can sell a nice young couple on a new vision for the old run-down house that makes for great TV!

The problem is, with clever editing, these shows - while entertaining - never show the reality of construction.

Here’s a quick list of the Top 4 realities that are NOT normally televised:

  1. It’s messy. No matter how clean your contractor is, there will be dust, especially if you are removing wallpaper or acoustic (popcorn) ceiling texture. Even long after the painting crew or construction is at the house. Drywall dust contains super fine particles, gets in air systems and will settle for weeks on furniture. It is not your contractors fault, it is just a reality you won’t see on TV.
  2. It takes longer than you think. As much as we give our best guess on length of project, certain obstacles uncovered during the project can force it to go over and are simply out of the contractors control. Change orders involving rotten wood, add-on purchases, weather delays, crew getting sick, and truck problems all contribute to projects taking longer than projected.
  3. Change Orders are a reality of exterior work (and sometimes interior work) but no one ever gets mad on TV. This is a reality of construction. I will watch TV construction people explain to a customer that they found a rotten pipe behind a wall and a $1500 change order is needed. The customer on TV smiles and says sure no problem. In real life, without cameras, homeowners are typically less than ecstatic about additional charges. For example, our paint crew might find rotten boards hidden behind gutters, on chimneys 40’ in the air, that an estimator will never find on the ground. Part of Five Star Painting's standard process is to put in writing on all of our contracts that this might happen and are clear about additional costs prior to doing more work. It is all about expectations.
  4. Your home is a small construction zone during work. Whether is it interior painting, kitchen remodeling, bathroom remodeling or basement work. Five Star Painting estimators set expectations in writing that certain areas of the home will be inaccessible during the project. For example, if Five Star Painting is working on your kitchen, make plans to have take-out for a few days! We were shocked once when one of our customers wanted to cook in her kitchen when we had the entire kitchen torn apart, doors in the kitchen and everything was covered in plastic including appliances.

All we ask is that you do your homework and speak to qualified contractors. Ask them questions about the process of painting and see if they know their stuff. Please don’t rely on TV shows to set your expectations on your project. Five Star Painting of Cumming and Alpharetta is here to help you on your painting project.

CLICK HERE or call to schedule your free estimate today!
Contributed by Scott Specker, owner Five Star Painting of Cumming

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