When giving your home a makeover, don't overlook the small details. Updating the paint or stain on cabinets and shelving will give your interior a pulled-together, completed look and feel.

Your Home’s Cabinetry Plays an Important Role

You're planning an interior home renovation, so you want to keep in mind that the cabinetry throughout your home plays an important part in its overall atmosphere. Along with being functional, cabinets and shelving add to the appearance and mood of any space, even the basement, and garage. Choosing a complementary paint color or a solid stain color for cabinets plays into the look and feel of the entire space they occupy. Five Star Painting will be happy to match you with a fantastic painting crew that will help you choose the finish that will work perfectly with your ideas and create the look and feel you have in mind.

Cabinetry and Your Home’s Ambiance

Sometimes when creating a new interior home look, cabinet areas are simply repainted in the same old colors. Before letting them fade into the background, think about these areas of your home and consider what an updated look will do for them:

• Laundry room cabinets and shelves
• Bathroom cabinets, vanities, and shelving
• Nooks and recessed bookshelves
• Shelving in living rooms, bedrooms, and entryways
• Kitchen cabinets, pantry areas, and shelves
• Storage cabinets and shelving in basements and garages

Call Five Stare Painting today at (757) 913-9003 to get started on your cabinet painting project.

Popular Cabinet Looks for Your Consideration

Five Star Painting works with expert painters with extensive experience in helping clients choose the perfect cabinetry color scheme to complement every area of their home. Some of the most popular choices include, but are not limited to:

• Painting outer and inner areas of cabinets in different shades that are either complementary or contrasting.
• Painting kitchen shelves, cabinetry, and islands in matching shades.
• Glossy black cabinets and shelves, which look chic and classy and work well with any other colors or decor style.
• White kitchen cabinets combined with colorful shelves to create a modern and fun feel.

Call us today at (757) 913-9003 to get matched with one of the best paint crews in {location} and to arrange a consultation to receive a free estimate.

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