Top Questions to Ask House Painting Consultants Overland Park

Is it time to find a local painting company in the Overland Park area? First, you will need to set up a meeting with house painting consultants to receive an estimate and get to know the business. 

Once your meeting is set, use the questions we provided below as a starting point. At Five Star Painting, we always encourage our clients to ask us a wealth of questions, so they are confident in your choice of local contractor.

Whether you require an exterior or interior paint consultation, we want you to feel prepared and ready to make the best decision for your lifestyle and budget. 

Who will be painting my home: the painting company or a subcontractor?

You need to know that the crew that is busy painting your home is accountable for their work. If they do not know the names of their subcontractors, then you have no way of knowing the experience level of the painting crew.

The best answer is that their own supervisor will always be on-site to ensure the best outcome for your project. 

What kind of paint prep is included in the estimate?

Did you know that quality preparation for an interior or exterior paint job represents 30 to 50% of the time and materials for the project? A professional painter will indicate that they will repair minor drywall damage, fill old nail holes, tape off woodwork, and protect your furniture and floors.

If they say they are the fastest prepper in the area, that is an indication of a rush job. If they are itemizing materials and no tape or tarps are listed, how are they going to prep?

What brand of paint and other products are used to paint my home?

Not all paint products are equal in durability, color, and appearance. A reputable painter will list their favorite premium brands of paint on the estimate. If you are quoted a very low price for gallons of basic off-white with no brand, don't expect the paint to last.

Five Star Painting is proud to use products from Behr and Sherwin Williams. By using the same brands on every job, we provide accurate paint color samples to our clients during every free color consultation.

Is your painting company fully insured?

You know that you are working with the professionals when they are happy to provide any local license information and proof of liability insurance. This insurance indicates that they can repair any damage they have done to your property, and they will help their crews in case of a job site injury.

How do you handle the presence of old lead paint in my home?

If your home was built before the 1980s, there is a good chance that lead paint was used during construction. Your painting company should not brush off the question of lead paint. By law, they must have a lead-certified supervisor on-site when removing the old paint. This guarantees that the paint is removed safely and will not pose any health hazard to their crew or your family in the future.

Does your estimate include a contingency budget?

No home improvement project ever goes off without some kind of complication--even house painting. The estimate typically has a 5 to 10% contingency budget to be used to repair hidden damage to walls and woodwork that may be revealed during the preparation process.

Five Star Painting provides a simple no-surprise estimate so that you won't be shocked by one of those unexpected problems.

Will the paint project be guaranteed? How long is the warranty?

Does your potential paint contractor stand by their work? The warranty should be spelled out in the estimate. Typically painters offer a minimum two-year warranty against bubbling or cracking due to workmanship or material failure.

How long will the project take and will I be able to use my home during painting?

Unless you are just splashing a coat of paint without any repair work, a quality paint job that includes wall repair, preparation, multiple coats, and drying time will take at least two full days for a single room. You should not expect to be able to use the room during that time. Your contractor will work with you regarding removing valuable items and furniture and protecting what is left in place during the process.

Anyone who is promising a fabulous job in a few hours is not properly taking care of your property.

If you discover a hidden problem during paint prep, does your painting company know some local contractors that could help fix it?

A great indication that your potential painter has experience in the local community is that they know people. Busy contractors build their own bespoke network of other businesses that can help them complete a job up to standard.

What questions does the painter have for me?

Finally, during your home’s interior or exterior paint consultation, is your painter asking you lots and lots of questions? While your choice of color is expected, are they reviewing multiple shades and finishes? Are they asking what the room is used for? Why do you think it needs paint?

Your consultation should be more than a quick walk-through and scribbled estimate. You should enjoy a good conversation where both parties leave confident of clear expectations.

Do you feel ready to interview your first painting company with a home paint consultation? Click or call to connect with Five Star Painting in Overland Park ask your questions today.