Skilled House Painters Near You!

New color is more than just a new appearance—the right painting job can change the way your home feels, making it more comfortable, airy, professional, cozy, or any number of great home atmospheres. Truly great homes are not about belongings or appearance; they’re about how it makes you feel. Nothing changes the way your home makes you feel like a fresh coat of paint.

Whether you want a single room painted, the backyard deck, or your home’s whole exterior and interior, Five Star Painting is the team for the job! Our painters are highly experienced with all types of jobs and projects, big or small. Our projects come with a series of guarantees to make sure you feel confident about calling us, including a commitment to completing the project on time and on budget!

It’s time to experience why our Montclair painters are a superior choice for your project. Give us a call today to book your free estimate!

Why Do Clients Choose Five Star Painting?

Our values and our goals are expressed in a single word: S.T.A.R.

  • Sight: To create beautiful spaces.
  • Transform: Transforming lives and spaces through the use of color.
  • Aspire: We deliver the highest quality and service.
  • Reputable: Meet and exceed customer expectations.

When clients call our professional Montclair, NJ painters, they know that they aren’t just ordering a service. They’re calling partners and consultants who will approach their home with genuine care and passion. We are a full-service painting company based in Summit, meaning we handle carpentry, power washing, wall repair, and more. We strive to make your home more beautiful than it's ever been—you can count on it.

Get Your Free Estimate Appointment Today!

If you’re ready to transform your home and change the way you see your house, give our Montclair painters a call for a free in-home estimate. When we visit you, we create detailed plans that meet your specific desires, based on your home’s appearance and needs. Call us today!

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